Monday 11 May 2015

5... 4... 3... SPRINT! SPRINT! SPRINT!


So today we plan and launch the sprint from the user stories. After consulting with my scrum team including my external scrum masters and stake holders I'm ready to launch. So here are my first few user stories which I wish to achieve in my first two week sprint:

Business/Career/StudiesSpiritualHealthPersonal growthSocial
As an agile Timelord I want to read one non-fiction book a month so that I become more knowledgeable on useful and interesting topics.As an agile Timelord I want to feel calm and confident through meditation so that I am less stressedAs an agile Timelord I want to work out at least 5 times a week so that I lose weight and tone my body.As an agile Timelord I want to be able to feel confident in any situation so that I am comfortableAs an agile Timelord I want a growing blog so that I grow my writing skills
As an agile Timelord I want to read one fiction book a month so that I become more well-read and cultured.
As an agile Timelord I want to walk at least 10,000 steps each day so I set myself an active benchmark to lose weight.As an agile Timelord I want to be able to relax under the public gaze so that I can grow in my career
As an agile Timelord I want to listen to 4 business podcasts a week so that I learn more about business culture and best practices.
As an agile Timelord I want to chart my progress and set a target of losing 2lb of weight a week so that I can reach my overall goal.

As I have my stories planned I now need to break them down again into manageable tasks to develop actions to carry out on a day to day basis.


As an agile Timelord I want to read one non-fiction book a month so that I become more knowledgeable on useful and interesting topics.This two week sprint I plan to read 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'
As an agile Timelord I want to read one fiction book a month so that I become more well-read and cultured.This sprint I plan to read 'The Handmaid's Tale'
As an agile Timelord I want to listen to 4 business podcasts a week so that I learn more about business culture and best practices.This sprint I plan to listen to Entrepreneur on Fire and Entreleadership podcasts


As an agile Timelord I want to feel calm and confident through meditation so that I am less stressedI will download the Headspace meditation app and work through the 10 day programme


As an agile Timelord I want to work out at least 5 times a week so that I lose weight and tone my body.I will use a fitness DVD in the mornings, waking up an hour earlier to do so
As an agile Timelord I want to walk at least 10,000 steps each day so I set myself an active benchmark to lose weight.I will track my steps using a Fitbit Charge HR tracking my progress using the app and dashboard. As such I will aim to have a weekly accumulative total of 70,000 steps
As an agile Timelord I want to chart my progress and set a target of losing 2lb of weight a week so that I can reach my overall goal.My current weight is 200lb, by weighing myself daily and keeping up with my more active lifestyle I will track my progress

Personal Growth

As an agile Timelord I want to be able to feel confident in any situation so that I am comfortableI will attend the local Toastmasters meeting to build up my confidence in public situations and learn greater public speaking habits
As an agile Timelord I want to be able to relax under the public gaze so that I can grow in my careerI will change my wardrobe and dress to the occasion, presenting myself as a confident individual will be easier if I dress as one.


As an agile Timelord I want a growing blog so that I grow my writing skillsI will update the blog daily informing of my progress, experiences and future plans.


I believe I can achieve all of the above in the forthcoming sprint but more than happy to be proven incorrect. Wish me luck!


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