Friday 3 July 2015

Sprint 3: Retrospective


A third sprint complete, reviewed and packed away. Time for the retrospective!

What went well?

  • Audiobooks!
    • Freaking awesome resource that I plan on investing in further. How do you slay a literary beast? Download it from Audible!
  • Toastmasters
    • Fantastic club that gives honest and open feedback
    • I plan to dive deeper into the feedback the club gave me and play off it for future meetings
  • Online resources!
    • Many people have already tried what I'm doing, granted not the same methodology but there's so much good content out there
  • Bulk writing posts
    • Writing daily is a good habit to get into, however it's not always practical. Writing 2 or 3 posts at a time and saving them relieves some pressure of writing daily

What could have been improved?

  • Headspace
    • It's not them, it's me. It just didn't work out. That resource and tool is not producing the results needed.
  • Workload
    • I need to readdress what I can do
  • Morning workouts
    • These are not currently practical when I feel ill, they're off the board for now but will return

  • Readdress the boards
  • Use more Audible resources
  • Removal of the tasks but new ways of completing the stories to be developed
A pretty good sprint, good lessons learned and now I'm ready to take on the next sprint!

Thanks for reading!

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