It's been a while hasn't it? So what in the hell happened?
Well actually, quite a lot. Some of which I'll go through right now and an update of how I hope to proceed.
There has been a noticed delay in between posts and this is down to a multitude of reasons:
- In the past few months I've married my wife (Hooray!), honeymooned and increased my workload
- Being more social, seeing friends and going out more has adjusted how I spend my free time
- Exhaustion - change in personal and professional circumstances changed how much time I could dedicate to this blog
- Illness - at one point over the summer I had trouble breathing, a blog post is slightly less important than oxygen
So, where do we go from here?
- Although my initial plan to publish a post every day was noble in its intent, it was taking up far too much time on a daily basis. Whilst some can produce media and content every day, my current circumstances do not permit that, as such I must adjust my approach.
- Goals, despite implementing the agile framework I was demotivated by not achieving everything I set out to do. I still believe in goal setting however like the daily posts, my approach needs to change.
So, realistic expectations, a more refined backlog and being less hard on myself. Seems achievable.
What's next?
- Continue
- Reading at least one business and one fiction book a month
- I want to continue learning and expanding my horizons
- Listening to podcasts
- EOFire, Entreleadership and Fat Burning Man are helping me make more positive choices
- Watch videos
- TED talks, Agile videos, continue personal development resource
- Activity
- Continue walking to work, utilising FitBit and other nudges
- Changes
- No more daily posts
- Continuing the blog, but as an altered beast with less posts but better content
So there we go, in essence this has been a true retrospective of a failed sprint. I've picked myself up, dusted myself off and I'm raring to go, but this time with a more sustainable plan. More tortoise than hare, but still kind of a hare.
Thanks for reading!
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